Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is There Anything Sweeter than a Country Church?

This is my Grandmother's Church.  And since I was baptized there, it's my church too.  Although, can either my Grandmother or I still claim this as our church since my Grandma passed away a while ago and I live half a country away?  I think yes.  If home is where your heart is, then I think a church can be too.  Don't you?

Although, even this country church has come a long way from when I was a kid.  To start, this half on the right, it didn't exist when I was a kid.  When I was a kid, it was just the main chapel with open crawl space underneath.  Under the church was a great place to catch crickets and lizards.  And yes, I managed to do both in a dress, and still be lady-like.  Sorta.

The original church also used to have out-houses out back.  We didn't use them of course, the Church had indoor plumbing by then.  And out back, we used to have picnic tables under a porch where we'd celebrate during revival. Mmmmm.  Cornbread, fried chicken, black eyed peas and deviled eggs.  I can smell the southern cooking now!  That's all done in the new addition now.  It has a lot of indoor seating and a lovely kitchenette space.

But one thing that hasn't changed?  The view.  Something about this view always makes me feel closer to God and at one with the nature around me.  And if you look really hard, you can see the farm from here.

Seriously.. Thoughts?

Sunday, March 20, 2011


LW took the Tweedles out hiking a few weeks ago.  Here is just a few minutes in the lives of the Tweedles.  Enjoy the progression.

Seriously.. Thoughts?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

He's a Bielieber

Unless you've been hiding under a rock lately, you know who Justin Bieber is.  Love him or hate him, you can't deny he's a rising star.  And Bug?  He a Bielieber (what the fans call themselves).

Hoodie wearing, foot tappin' and all.  Is it any wonder why I love that kid?  (Sorry the video is sideways.  LW took this with her phone and I don't know if it's even possible to turn it).

Seriously.. Thoughts?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Can't Stop Smiling!

I submitted a photo - granted, not mine as I'm actually in it - to Ree over at The Pioneer Woman for her photo contest.  (If you know me, or followed this blog even a little bit, you'll know that she was the inspiration for me to start this blog and to really work on my photography.) The theme was "Sisters".  I submitted the one below of me and my older sister Teri who passed away two years ago.

There are 174,751 images currently submitted to this contest.  And Ree chose my picture (follow this link to see!).  I can't stop smiling.  Thank you Ree. 

Seriously.. Thoughts?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can You Believe I Live Like This?

A few days ago, we celebrated The Hub's birthday.  Now, The Hubs, I think is a pretty typical man and had made several comments about not wanting us to do any sort of celebration.  I also think I'm a pretty typical woman, and that meant we would celebrate because I know that deep down, he loves it.  At least, I think I know it.

(Please forgive the quality of these images - I forgot my camera and had to use my phone and it's not a very good one).

Our evening celebration started with dinner out to the Dog Haus

We'd been here before and loved the food.  They have a huge list of different gourmet hot dog choices as well as burgers and sandwiches, onion rings, hot dogs and tots.  And all of their burgers and hot dogs come surprisingly not on typical buns, but on Hawaiian Sweet Bread.  This makes for an amazing taste combination.  This is a favorite for everyone.  And in a family of 6, finding some place that we all like, is nothing short of a miracle.

We ordered our food and found a place to sit down and that's when things started to get  - well normal for us.

GG started making a moustache out of her straw paper.  

LW contributed by making "Napkin Man" faces.

And The Hubs, vacillated between pretending he didn't know us..

And pretending he was some kind of cape crusader.

I worried about the influence they're having on the younger kids.

Can you believe I live like this?

Seriously.. Thoughts?