Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Photoshopping It!

So, here's the original SOOC shot I took at the arboretum with my friend Wendy.

The first thing I did was run the dodge tool over the steps a few times to lighten it up.  I really like the red that came out.

Then I ran Pioneer Woman's Boost action twice:  I liked it, but it didn't really "speak" to me.

So I added another action called Troy to the mix.  I love how it muted everything but the steps!

Then I added Pioneer Woman's Sunshine action on top of Boost and Troy.  It's a pretty unique look don't you think?

Then I looked at Troy all by itself without Boost and Sunshine and it looked like this.  It turned out just a little too "dead" looking.

I finally settled on just the Sunshine action.  I love that I can stack actions, mix and match them. Try one at a time or all at once.  It really allows me a lot of flexibility in my final piece.

 I liked the warmth in this one the best.  The stair was still pretty highlighted.  I'm like a lizard, I'm drawn to warm things!

Seriously.. Thoughts?

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