Friday, October 1, 2010

Dress Saga

THE.DRESS has been ordered.  I'm still not allowed, by order of her majesty GG, to reveal what the dress looks like on the off chance one of her friends happens to read my blog (bwahahahahaha! - Excuse me while I wipe away the tears from laughing so hard!).  After a consensus was achieved between all parties involved on the look, style, revealing-ness (if it's not a word it should be!) and price, GG's measurements are now off to a dress maker who will hopefully create magnificence to GG's specifications.  Don't expect anything immediately.  Should be six weeks before the dress gets here.  Which will leave us 2 weeks for alterations if we need them. Wish us luck!

And since I just can't leave this post so small, please let me show you some dresses made entirely out of duct tape.  That's right, it's not a typo.  Put on by the Stuck at Prom Duck brand duct tape College Scholarship competition. Enjoy!

 This is this year's first place winners.  Everything from head to toe is done in duct tape.  YOWZA.  What a beautiful dress!  If this was in a store, and not made out of duct tape (because man, I bet that stuff is hot) I would buy it.  She looks amazing!

Second place winners.  While I'm not as excited about the dress itself for prom purposes, they have a lot of detailing and you have to admit it's original!

I must admit, I don't like either of these outfits.  Not for Prom.  And this is coming from a lady who dresses up in medieval garb 2-3 times a year!  They would make great Halloween costumes though wouldn't they?

Of the ones that didn't place, this was my favorite.  It might have just been the red, white, and blue colors or the way they really committed to the theme.  Whatever the reason, I love it.  And look at all that detail!

If you want to see the rest of them, please look here.  For a few minutes of pure entertainment, you can't go wrong!

Seriously.. Thoughts?

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